Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Well, how about that?

The reason for my blog was to write about my experiences in being an under-unemployed legal professional. Over a month ago, I responded to a classified for a paralegal position for a casino. I didn't think I would get a response (provided the horrible market and stiff competition). This morning I received a call from HR and I have an interview scheduled for tomorrow.

I am a little nervous. This will be my first face to face job interview scheduled in months. I am not expecting a great deal of money (nor I will be making a demand for it either). All I want is something decent paying with benefits now. At this time benefits are trumping salary. I have been shelling out sheds load in Cobra coverage since last year. I pay nearly $600 per month just to insure myself. Since Obamacare was passed, my healthcare which used to cost $475 per month in 2009, ballooned to nearly $600.

I come to the simple conclusion that you are sort of forced to be a greedy bastard in America. Where I live, I am taxed four times: federal income, state income, city tax, *and* county tax. I don't see anything I am gaining in being taxed this much. Cost of living is also expensive. Between groceries, gas for my car, and Cobra, I barely have enough to pay my cell phone (which is over $90 per month). I really do not know how others make it on $11 per hour salary. However I do think this will be the new norm in America.