Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Well, how about that?

The reason for my blog was to write about my experiences in being an under-unemployed legal professional. Over a month ago, I responded to a classified for a paralegal position for a casino. I didn't think I would get a response (provided the horrible market and stiff competition). This morning I received a call from HR and I have an interview scheduled for tomorrow.

I am a little nervous. This will be my first face to face job interview scheduled in months. I am not expecting a great deal of money (nor I will be making a demand for it either). All I want is something decent paying with benefits now. At this time benefits are trumping salary. I have been shelling out sheds load in Cobra coverage since last year. I pay nearly $600 per month just to insure myself. Since Obamacare was passed, my healthcare which used to cost $475 per month in 2009, ballooned to nearly $600.

I come to the simple conclusion that you are sort of forced to be a greedy bastard in America. Where I live, I am taxed four times: federal income, state income, city tax, *and* county tax. I don't see anything I am gaining in being taxed this much. Cost of living is also expensive. Between groceries, gas for my car, and Cobra, I barely have enough to pay my cell phone (which is over $90 per month). I really do not know how others make it on $11 per hour salary. However I do think this will be the new norm in America.



    This is the new normal. Americans better learn to adjust their lifestyle - and quit believing whatever the corporate media and corporate government tell them.

  2. I pay nearly $600 per month just to insure myself. Since Obamacare was passed, my healthcare which used to cost $475 per month in 2009, ballooned to nearly $600.

    How's that 'hope & change' workin' for ya?!

  3. What about using pre-paid cellular service?

  4. "How's that 'hope & change' workin' for ya?!"

    I never voted for Obama, in fact Obama was the first Democratic presidential candidate I didn't vote for. I never felt Obama was all that and how can he be? Obama was a state senator for less than three years. But forget about healthcare, I am more concerned that no one is addressing the deficit and outsourcing.

    PS: I have since contacted Verizon regarding plans to reduce my bill. I may end up going with another carrier once my contract terminates.

  5. TMF,

    One, I've NEVER voted Democrat-never! I love my country too much to vote for socialists, which is what the Demonrats are.

    Two, outsourcing, the deficit, healthcare, and many other problems need to be dealt with. It's largely Democrat policies (excessive taxation and regulation) that have prompted employers to outsource jobs. We have a government that TELLS us what kind of light bulbs we can have and what kind of toilets we can buy, for cryin' out loud! Having said that, I'm not sure either major party is willing to deal with them in ways that benefit the American people...

    Three, Barack Hussein Obama is a lightweight. I thought that before the election, and I damn sure think that now. Though I don't agree with his politics (too liberal for me), Colin Powell at least had a good solid resume'! He held many executive jobs through the years, each of which brought increased responsibility; he was former National Security Advisor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and so on. Unlike BHO, Mr. Powell at least had serious executive and foreign policy experience, experience which BHO lacks.

    Finally, on a lighter note, Verizon DOES have pay as you go plans. I had a monthly plan which became too much for me; I hadn't used my monthly minutes in a long time, so I switched. Though there are three options, the best is to pay $100, which gives you about 18 hours of talk time. You have a year to use that up. Even though I paid my $100 last April, I still have 8-9 hours of time left.

